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Graphic Review:


I got a trivia question wrong so now I have to do a review to pick up a TPE.  And since I know @Scurvy is just starting out doing graphics, I’d figured on giving an HONEST review of your graphic.  Dont shoot the messenger!!  Here goes:  At first glance, what caught my eye was the action the player is doing.  It is an impressive hockey motion.  And then I saw the “LA” logo on the chest.  Upon further examination of the graphic, I like the color scheme you chose as it gives a good sense of mystery and meshes good with the player and background.  I like the layer of broken ice to add to the background and the size of the player is appropriate as well as the location.  You created a nice separation to make the background important as well.  


As far as the signature goes, the color, font, and size are appropriate for this graphic.  I like that you didnt try to be creative and add depth to the signature as it probably would have conflicted with the broken ice.  The last couple of letters blend in with the glove which loses the full name, but I’m not sure it would have looked any better if you moved it left because then it would have been too close to the left edge.  Perhaps if it was lowered and the white background would have changed things.  


Overall, I think this is a well done graphic and your work is commendable.  Unless Riley Martin is being traded to Los Angeles, I’d like to have seen a Wolves logo on the front for a more realistic VHL graphic.  Well done graphic.  Your artistic talent surprised the shit out of me!!


Score 9/10

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