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Villeneuve Is A Hockey Player?


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Hi there,


This is Phil Villeneuve here. I am going to try to start a weekly blog for my fans to read and follow. I think this will be a good way to keep up with my fans and share with them what's going on with me. They will be able to comment on the blogs (just post below!) 


I know I have not really make a public appearance since deciding to enter the VHL organization but to tell you the truth, I've actually been deliberately avoiding it. I am not used to this kind of attention and I do not wish to be put under the microscope. 


This has nothing to do with the fact that I do not think I am cut out for the prestigious VHL, nor that I do not cope well with criticism, but more to do with just not having enough time to really get distracted by the media.


The VHL is very competitive. I need to stay focused on my training.


Anyway, I never wanted to play hockey in the first place. I used to love Go-Karting. That was my passion. I am surprised more than my family and close friends that I have ended up here and not on the race track.


But that is a story for another day.


This will likely be the only form of media I will be subjecting myself to for the next couple of months. I am willing to put in the ice time to increase my draft stock.  


Until next week,



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