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 Komarov taking big strides early in his second season.


Last season Komarov had a solid but underwhelming rookie campaign. He was asked to do to much with too little support. This season however Komarov is flourishing, the main reason is veteran help from Zadorov. Not only is he taking the pressure off the young defender but hes showing him what it means to be a pro in the VHL.




This season Komarov is becoming one of the best defensive defenders in the VHL. The results have shown he currently leads the league in shots blocked by 5, and is among the top defenders in hits as-well. His offensive game has taken a step back this season but he never wanted to be known for his scoring prowess and fans that knew him never expect it.




This growth has been a great story for a young Davos team, he will likely never see any awards in his career, however he may very well if he can keep this up go down as one of the best defensive defenders in VHL history. "I never want to be a flashy player, i grew up knowing one thing that was to do the little things and wear your heart on my sleeve" the young Russian said in broken English. This season he has been invisible on the ice and for and offensive defender that is a very good thing. The thing Davos fans love him for, however is his ability to lead by example. "He gives 110% every shift he never backs down from anything, i think that rubs off on the young guys and even the professionals in our locker room" Head coach of Davos stated in the interview.




This is the reason he returns another season wearing and A on his chest hes growing as a leader of this team. Hes a leader and a guy who wants to do all the little things the super stars don't do to help win the game. Hes a coach's dream player, you basically don't have to even coach him he just goes out and is done what he is told. Hes the type of player every team wants for there cup run.His skills have shown on the big stage.


There is big proof of that he lead and underdog Storm team to an almost title,he followed that up with a Western finals appearance the next season. He also already owns a super cup title, and another super cup finals appearance. For a young defender that is quite and accomplishment, and shows just how valuable he is when push comes to shove. Hes backing his teammates no matter what and if he keeps at this pace he will add a few more titles to his trophy cupboard.




Davos certainly hopes he can be the key to returning Davos from a rebuild back into a dynasty that it once was. Komarov has shown his commitment to not only bettering himself, but to helping this team win he signed a cheep deal to stick with the club and retire as a Davos player. He hopes he can stay in Davos his whole career and maybe break a few hit, and shot block records on the team. He holds his head high and hopes well he may not put up the big points, that the Hall of fame will see when his career is over he deserves a slot among the best because he is so unique.

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Content: 3/3 - I really enjoyed this article. It is great to see veteran players helping out the new guys!

Grammer: 2/2 - Few mistakes, but not enough to take marks off.

if he can keep this up *and* go down as one of the best defensive defenders in VHL history.

When using "i" representing yourself, make sure it is capitalized.

Hes *He's*

almost title,he followed *almost title, he followed* ( space after periods and commas)
Appearance: 1/1 - Lots of great pictures, and a title.

Overall: 6/6

Edited by Mr. Escabar
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