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Claimed:Health Update [Final 6/6]


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Sitting in a hospital waiting room is never fun, but that has been a routine lately for the Austrian born Thomas Duddy. “The pain is getting worse daily, it sucks.” Was the short statement Duddy gave before another day of tests where waiting for him to begin.


It all started at the end of 2014, the Ottawa Lynx forward was feeling a lot of pain on his left side.

After not thinking much of it, Duddy decided to just ignore it. But after days of pissing everything from cranberry juice to dark red wine, the family forced him to make an appointment in the hospital to get it checked out. Going into the doctor’s office, Thomas expected it to be just an infection, but the doctor told him he got some big ass kidney stones in his left kidney. More tests were scheduled to exactly locate them and get them laser’d out of his body. Unfortunately Duddy missed his first scheduled CAT scan because of the flu, so he had to schedule a new one. Just 2 weeks ago he got it done and yesterday he visited the hospital again.


This time he had to go to a different one because the doctor in the first one had been out since January. And without knowing if the doc ever comes back, Duddy had to take his results to the new hospital. Low and behold, the new doc now has suspicion that the left kidney isn’t working anymore. You should probably know that the forward has had some troubles with his kidney since he was born. But it took the doctors nearly 10 years to diagnose it right, so a few weeks before his 12 birthday; Duddy had surgery done on his left kidney and metanephric duct.  Now after years of barely any pain or other complications, it seems that the devil of the left side has come back to haunt him.


On Thursday the 12th of March, the Lynx forward has another appointment in the hospital this time it’s in the nuclear med for a renal function scintigraphy. The results of this test will determine if the kidney is still working and if it does how much it is working. If it’s stopped functioning or close to it, he will have to once again undergo surgery to get it removed. Which could let to some complications, considering losing an organ is always a life changing event. We’re all still holding out hope that his kidney is still working enough so he can keep it and live a 2 kidney life. The next few days will be filled with uncertainty and a reasonable amount of anxiousness. But as always Thomas Duddy will rise above all the bad things in his life and will once again become a better hockey player and a better man than he was before. Good luck Thomas Duddy.


This was Super Awesome Action News, with a health update on one of the brightest VHLM Stars and VHL Prospects.

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Content: 3/3 - Entertaining little article. Good luck with Duddy's recovery. ;)

Grammar: 2/2 - Just a few little things.


"another day of tests where waiting for him to begin." - were

"so a few weeks before his 12 birthday; Duddy had surgery done on his left kidney and metanephric duct." - 12th birthday, Duddy.....

"appointment in the hospital this time" - in the hospital, and this time

"still working and if it does how much it is working." - and if it does, how much it is working

Appearance: 1/1 - You did what was asked.

Overall: 6/6

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