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Claimed:Ottawa Lynx Players Are On The Attack! [Final 6/6]


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Ottawa Lynx Players Are On The Attack!



The Ottawa Lynx are on a roll. Winning nine of their last ten games, nothing can get in their way. Winning all these games is what is going to make the team number one. Although another team in the VHLM is doing just as good as the Ottawa Lynx. The Brampton Blades are putting up a very strong fight for Ottawa. With Delicious racking up the points and dominating the league there is no argument that the Blades are a top contender. The top five Ottawa Lynx players making this happen are:


1) Pablo Escabar


The Ottawa Lynx team captain as been doing his job, very well at that. Playing at his full potential Pablo has been lighting up the stats charts all over the place. Currently Escabar is sitting at twenty two goals and fifty two assists. With a total of seventy four points, Pablo Escabar is currently plus thirteen. On the defensive end Pablo is sitting at ninety five hits and ninety eight shots blocked. Pablo is sitting in first with the most blocked shots in the VHLM. Pablo is definitely a machine.


2) Tomas Duddy


Tomas Duddy is a very offensive player with some great weight to throw around.  Duddy is the team's leading scorer sitting on forty two goals. Goalies struggle to stop his bullet of a shot. When Tomas Duddy is open, his team-mates always look for him and make sure the puck reaches him. The league is calling Duddy  "The Magician" with the puck. You never know what he is going to do with it.


3) Hunter Backenbauer


Hunter is the playmaking center of the team. Hunter is still managing to score, although with his great offensive awareness he is always creating great plays. Currently carrying forty five assists, he is in the top ten in assists in the VHLM. The league is calling Hunter "Soft Hands". We do not know if this is a good or bad thing yet.


4) Roland Rengel


Roland Rengel has only been on the Ottawa Lynx for twelve games. In those twelve games he has been a beast in net. Roland has a record of ten wins and two loses since he has signed with the team. Out of two hundred and ninety-one shots Roland has allowed thirty four goals, giving him a goals against average of 2.92.  Such an amazing start for an amazing goalie. The league is referring Roland Rengel as the "Brick Wall". A very suitable name if you ask me.


On nights these players bring their "A" game they are incredible. When they all bring it the same night, they are unstoppable. I can definitely see this being a team who could win the S42 Championship if they keep it up.  Let's hope they do. The season is at the halfway point so there is still plenty of games to play. There is some great hockey to watch and when the playoffs come I feel the finals will be The Brampton Blades vs. The Ottawa Lynx. I guess we will have to wait and see!

Edited by Mr. Escabar
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