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I have spoken to a great many people on this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I talk occasionally is Diamond_Ace. He's a pretty cool guy. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article.


“The positive things one's parents would often say (i.e. he's a nice guy) or even small, tangible achievements (won a spelling bee, took most improved in a football camp, etc) have no bearing on the real world. If a man is in the street dying, all that matters is if you are a surgeon. If your friend is being audited, all that matters is if you are an accountant. The world values people by what they can do for it, not by any other means.” Very well put. Not everyone is a winner every time. Life is a what have you done for me lately sort of place, and that's important to know.


“When going for a certain job field, trying to find something both that you like and that will readily support you is the ideal, but if both can't be achieved, focus on what will support you. Most people in the world don't like their jobs. Odds are, you won't be any different. If it supports you, you can find enjoyment through your free time.” Also good advice. Follow your dreams, but also the greenback.


“While growing up, it always seemed like there was a basic level of intelligence and/or world awareness shared by all adults. As you get older, you will find more and more evidence that this is not the case. As a kid, you see all adults as adults, as an adult, you often see certain other adults as kids. It's always shocking how many idiots there are, even among those who hold down jobs where idiocy should really be a disqualifier (sic).” This became evident in elementary school.


“Odds are there for a reason. Never go into a dying field, no matter how confident you are of beating the odds. This was me. Instead, go into an expanding field, something that utilizes modern tech or growing industries.” Going into a field that has jobs seems like a good way to follow number two.

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