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VHFL Beta Rules & FAQ




1. Users select a full line up consisting of 3 Forwards, 2 Defensemen and 1 Goaltender in the S43 Regular Season.


2. Users full line up must not exceed a hard salary cap of $20,000,000 ($20 million).


3. Users must submit their full line up following the official template by private message to VHLFantasy before the beginning of Season 43.


4. Any user that does not use the official template will be disqualified.


5. Any user that does not PM their line up to VHLFantasy will be disqualified.


6. Any user whose team exceeds $20 million in salary will be disqualified.


7. Any user that does not PM their line up to VHLFantasy before the first sim of the S43 will be disqualified.


8. A tie breaker will be included in the official line up template and must be filled out. Only in the result of a tie for 1st or 2nd place, the tie breaker will be used. If it is still a tie after this, the person who submitted their lineup first will win.




What are the Prizes?

Prizes will be TPE for participating with more TPE depending on your final rank. The winner will additionally receive a badge on their profile to proudly wear.


What is the Tie Breaker?

The tie breaker is included on the official template. It will be to guess the amount of points the Victory Cup (Best Regular Season Record) winning team will have in Season 43.


How will Fantasy Points be Awarded?



Goal = 2 Points

Assist = 1 Points

Shot Blocked = 0.5 Points

Penalty Minute = -0.5 Points

Hits = Set amount of points for final Hits (shown below)

0-49 = 10

50-99 = 20

100-149 = 30

150-199 = 40

200-249 = 60

250-299 = 80

300-349 = 100

350-399 = 120

400+ = 150



Win = 1 Points

Shutout = 2 Points

Save Percentage = Set amount of points for final Save Percentage (shown below)

0.900 = 25

0.910 = 50

0.915 = 75

0.920 = 100

0.925 = 125

0.930 = 150

0.935 = 200


What is the Official Template?


Username: Your Username
Forward: Player Name (Salary)
Forward: Player Name (Salary)
Forward: Player Name (Salary)
Defensemen: Player Name (Salary)
Defensemen: Player Name (Salary)
Goaltender: Player Name (Salary)
Total Salary: Must be less than 20 million
Tie Breaker: How many points will the Victory Cup winning team finish with in the S43 Regular Season?

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