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Claimed:cprvi [Final:6]


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Effort: 2/2 - Nah.

Look: 2.5/3 - The sig as a whole is too blurry, especially the render. The main text not being blurred also makes it the focal point, which doesn't really work here. The lighting is pretty good, but yeah, the blurring is OD.

Creativity: 1/1 - Farm.

Overall: 5.5/6

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Effort:2/2 mhmm

Looks:2.5/3 Way too much blurrr wouldn't look bad if it was a Lil bit of blurring. The text sticks out more then the render. If it wasn't blurred as much I'd like it a lot more but it throws off the feel of it. I do like the text in the bg and the stock work is solid as well as the lighting.

Creativity:1/1 yes

Claim 6

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