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Tough Decision For Marcel Faux


On May 27th, 2015, Marcel Faux was in for a huge change in his VHLM career. Leading up to May 27th Faux and his agent were discussing the possible trade scenarios if the Saskatoon Wild would so choose to go in that direction. Earlier in the season the rebuilding Saskatoon Wild traded former first round pick Benjamin Dupont to the Bratislava Watchmen because the team would not be competitive this season so it would make sense to trade an elite asset for future assets to better the team when it is competitive. That trade made Faux’s agent speculate whether a trade would be possible before the trade deadline as it would make sense for that scenario to play out. After the Dupont trade Faux’s agent Brody Hodgson a former Helsinki Titan approached Saskatoon’s management to discuss the future of Marcel. At that time the plan was to keep Faux in Saskatoon which Faux was happy with.


Brody Hodgson getting ready to meet up his client Marcel Faux at his office


 The rebuilding Wild were not going anywhere this season despite being in a play-off spot and a play-off show down versus the Ottawa Lynx looming which most believe will be a first round exit. Although Marcel Faux was getting his name on the score sheet almost every game with 85 points in 61 games which was good for his ego everything was not great off the ice. After a few weeks Faux was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable in Saskatoon and he could not pin point why he was feeling this way. During the weeks leading up to the trade deadline Faux was pondering whether to ask for a trade out of Saskatoon because he was feeling unsettled and was just not enjoying himself. Faux would discuss with his agent everyday going back and forth trying to decide what was best for his own career and well-being.


Faux playing with the Saskatoon Wild


On May 26th a decision was made by Marcel to ask for a trade out of Saskatoon if it was possible because the trade deadline was quickly approaching on May 29th. His agent Brody Hodgson made the phone call late that night to request to be traded if there was an interested team and it was possible to do so because Faux was not going to force his way off the team. If there was a trade partner available and willing his agent requested to please try to make it happen. Faux was worried the team would be mad at him for straight up asking out so he tried to as for a trade the nicest way possible. The next day Faux anxiously waited to see if anything would happen or if it will take a few days. The Wild management had not contacted Faux after the request so Faux was unsure what was going to happen. After a long day of waiting around 9:00 central time the Wild contacted Faux’s agent to say that the request was being granted and to just sit tight. About twenty minutes later the Wild once again contacted Faux to tell him he has been traded to the Bern Royals. Faux was heading to Europe!


Marcel Faux talking to media about the trade

“I was really appreciative that the Wild did this for me. It was a tough decision and I did not want to piss them off. I am extremely happy they understood where I was coming from and not to worry about feeling guilty. Saskatoon treated me really well for the most part and I am happy to say I am a Saskatoon Wild alumni. I am excited for this new opportunity and excited to play for Bern!”

~Marcel Faux to media on trade


Now Faux is playing on the Bern Royals with 12 points in 9 games with the team. Overall Faux has 97 points in 70 games in the VHLM. The Bern Royals sit on top of the European Conference and have clinched the European Conference Title. After this tough decision early in his career many more decisions are to be made in the upcoming years and Faux will be ready for them. 

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Content: 3/3- Great article. Faux is ripping the league a new as*hole. 


Grammar: 2/2- looking good. 


Appearance: 1/1- Nice color text. Nice pictures. Great Title. 


Final: 6/6 

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