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Effort:2/2 sure

Looks:2/3 Well there is some decent stuff. your bg isnt terrible the render could be blended in better by using stocks on top of the render. try and avoid adding text in corners also your text work could use some work. The lighting also needs work the light brushing you have on the whole sig makes it look bad as well. id advise using tutorials on youtube and upgrading to photoshop



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You said go simple on the text, so I did.

Thats a stock image on the over lap not brush work.

I refuse to pay for PS just to gain a possible 1 extra TPE per week.

I do use tutorials.


If you have a particular tutorial in mind that could help please do link me it, I spend about 5 hours a week looking at different ones to try and improve.


When you say light brushing do you mean go more dark and prominent or something else?

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Effort:2/2 sure



Looks:2/3 One tip on text is to try not to put it in the corner, it usually takes away from the sig, especially hockey ones. Try putting it somewhere close to the focal point (usually the render's head). Try using more stocks, play around with different settings when placing them. The blending isn't bad, the stock you placed over was a good idea but if you notice there is a stark difference from where the stock is over the render (it's been erased) and everywhere else. It takes away from the blending. Rather than tutorials just post your sigs on here for tips and look at others you've seen, try to eyeball them and take away what you want to add into the sigs you make 





final: 5/6 



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