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Claimed:Davos McJustice [Final: 4/6]


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effort: 1.5/2 - I mean the effort is kind of there but to me, I just need to see more. Not a lot of stock work, not a lot of going on in this graphic. 


look: 2.25/3 - It's not absolutely terrible, just lacks execution. You could have done a lot more to this and to me it looks rushed and incomplete, with more work on this, I think it could be there. 


creativity: 1/1 - yes sure okay, okay. 


total: 4.75/6

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Effort: 2/2 - I'll give you full points because you did a "jersey change... Kind of."


Look: 1/3 - The jersey changes looks like you hardly even tried. You didn't even rotate the logos. The bottom bar looks like it was copy and pasted from somewhere. The text doesn't work at all, it is very distracting. Honestly I think you should look on deviantart for some sig making tutorials and the like and return to this another time. 


Creativity: 1/1 - I mean I guess....


4/6 --> 4/6

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