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Claimed:"A few words from a Saskatoon rookie" a WILD TV commercial. [Final 6/6]


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I sat down in the booth a large mic with that weird fly swatter like screen pointed slightly away from me. I did the sound checks and reminded myself to keep the delivery natural. I was nervous.

I did read the scripted copy they supplied but this ain't me. I understood the premise so I took a deep breath and waited for the 'Que'.

The sound engineer gave me the high sign and I closed my eyes and listened for the tone in my headphones.

Then as the tone chirped I decided to just say it my way..

Before you knew it the voiceover was done..Surprisingly the producer was very happy and clapped me on the back and shook my hand.

[The Finished Commercial]


Music from Man of Steel "An Ideal of Hope"

A simple black screen changes to a Saskatoon Wild logo, full screen.

Logo fades and is replaced by simple white block lettering on the black screen

"A few words from a Saskatoon rookie.."

Music fades slightly.

The disembodied voice begins

What's in a name ?...

The simple identity of a player?

The immediate recognition of ones reputation?

The grudging respect of ones peers who speak it in terms of hard work, and determination.

The fusion of team advertising hype and personality creating a mythic persona that the public will identify with and that will sell?

They identify the good, the great and the legend..the 'hero'.

They label the weak-willed, the cheater and the coward...the 'villain'.

All of this and more ..names are generational like talents in the VHL.

They can be created by the hype of teams and agents and advertisers for profit.....these are simply replaced......these names never last.

They can be created by the words of the fan and by the deeds displayed on the ice......these are immortalized on championships........these names can live on forever.

I have a name.

It identifies me from the hundreds that have arrived here before me and have failed...And been forgotten.

My name..it's something special to me,and I uphold that name every time I step on the ice.

And the jersey that bears my name I won't knowingly allow it to be tarnished. I will give my all every game. I can't foresee the future, I will not promise something that I can't possibly predict. But I will do my best for you.. Our Team ...Our Fans ....Our League.

And I'm determined that by the time I'm through you ALL will know it , and I will earn your respect.



......and I play GOALIE for the SASKATOON WILD.

Music rises.

Team logo fades back in to fill the screen.

Team colored banner appears under the logo and the @SASWILDTIX and 1-800 number are displayed.


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Content 3/3 - Quite the commercial and speech there! At 477 words I would work on trying to get that above 500 next time. I know 450 is the minimum, but 500 is more of an appropriate length in my opinion.


Grammar 2/2 - Looked good! Only a couple of things stood out to me:


'Que' -> cue
ones -> one's 
Appearance 1/1 - That face though...
Final 6/6
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