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Facial hair problem


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It´s playoff time ! Lets face it, the biggest problem for players is the facial hair. What kind of style are you going to use, what will the other players say, etc etc. The list of questions is pretty much endless. 

I have been thinking about growing a mustache lately. I don´t own a leather jacket though so I need to think about the mustache bit more. I can of course go and buy a leather jacket, but we shall see.  My father told me that you can´t grow a mustache if you don´t own a high quality leather jacket so that is the main reason why I must think about my decision.  

The other reason why I want to grow a wicked ´stache is the fact that ladies love men who have mustache. Also mustache looks awesome on my face. The amount of jealous looks I get when walking down the street is just unreal. Pretty much everybody stares at my face. At first it was pretty weird but now I´m used to it. 

Whatever you are going to do with your face, remember that mustache is always a good option. 

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