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Effort 1/2: Cropped an image, slapped a beach ball on there and slapped a logo on the stick. and added some text.

Look 1/3: almost nothing to grade since this is pretty much just an image with 2 other ones sloppily pasted on top of it with some text.

Creativity 1/1: gotta give you this one though

Overall: 3/6

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  • Tim changed the title to Blake Campbell [needs second grade]

Effort 1/2: Not a ton of work done here, like Tim said.

Look 1.25/3: It's a Harumpfian kind of sig, that's for sure. But, there wasn't a lot of work done to it, especially compared to a lot of the work done by others.

Creativity 1/1: Sure is creative.

Overall 3.25/6

Final: 3/6

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