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Soft hands [FINAL: 6/6]


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72 games, 33 goals and 49 assists during the regular season. I think it´s safe to say, that if things keep on going like this, I´m going to be one of the greatest players who have ever played in VHL. 

Every season I keep on improving, it´s like there is no limit what I can do. When I get my massive frame moving,there is nothing you can do to stop me. I can either shoot the puck or give absolutely disgusting passes to my linemates. If I´m completely honest, the passing might be one area that needs improving on my game. I have noticed that sometimes my saucer pass flutters. The accuracy is there but the pass just looks quite bad.  
I hate looking at highlights to goals and then I notice a goal that I managed to create with my playmaking abilities. Sounds good, but then you notice the pass, it flutters. I have to close my eyes most of the time. 

So the passing is something I´m going to improve during this off-season. I have also decided to take some time off from everything.  Might visit family  and friends back in Finland since it has been some time since I last met everybody. Not sure how long I will stay in Finland but at least seven days. 

Might do some fishing and perhaps if I´m really lucky, I´m going to cook something from the fishes I manage to catch. Last time I was in Finland, I did not catch anything. That was more than likely good since, back then I was also a terrible chef. I have practiced my food making abilities little bit lately so it would be awesome to cook something from the fishes you have caught! Quite manly way to spend your day.


After the little holiday in Finland, I might go to somewhere warm for another week. Spain has been on my mind lately, so that is the destination more than likely. 

I have never been in Spain. It´s quite rare that you get to travel abroad when you are a professional hockey player. Only time to really go anywhere is during the off-season. Of course if you are injured and out of games for long period of time, then you might be allowed to go somewhere during the regular season. Luckily for me, I have not been injured in a while.  

Last serious injury happened when I was still playing in Finland. I got into a fight with this one guy who kept on challenging me to a fight. I refused few times, since my silky smooth hands are not made for fighting. I just could not take his stupid ass voice anymore, I accepted his invitation to a little 1v1 match.

I was right, fighting is not for me. I broke my hand when I was fighting with him.I regret that moment, kept me out of the games for solid two months.  At least I managed to spend some time with the family. 

No serious injuries after that, I have been lucky.


Edited by jRuutu
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