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Mustache trouble


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As some of you might know, I´m a huge fan of mustaches. I had to shave my mustache off few months ago and now for the past three or so weeks, I have been trying to grow them back. Shaving my ´stache was/is easily the worst thing I have done in the last two years.  

My face feels so empty without them. For some reason I´m struggling with the mustache growing now. Cant really think why? Maybe I´m too stressed? Is there something wrong with my diet? Those are only some of the questions that keep me up at night. Lack of mustache is not only effecting my sleep, but it´s also having a clear impact on my efforts on the ice. When I´m skating really fast, the wind hits my face really weirdly.  I don´t like it.  It´s even worse if I´m walking down the street.  People point and laugh. I´m quite famous here in my neighborhood, mostly because of my mustache.

We can only hope that I manage to grow my mustache back soon. 


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