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Latino in the News: Third Edition



Well, he did it. Felipe Rodriguez of the Ottawa Lynx got the first hat trick of his career. Last time we spoke to him, we asked if he thought he would get it before the end of the season. He conservatively said,"Maybe" but he doesn't have to wonder now. Flip finished the year with 19 goals and 36 assists for 55 points in 66 games. His Lynx are now up 3-2 in the VHLM Finals over the Moscow Red Wolves. We caught up with him after the latest loss in Game 5. 

Reporter: "Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. After three consecutive wins, it's gotta be tough to take two losses in a row and give Moscow some momentum."

Felipe: "No problem. And yeah, it sucks, it's tough, but we'll pull through. We always do. We knew Moscow was going to be tough. Brampton came off a sweep and won the first game, and we were able to topple them to make it here. I'm not too worried about us coming together and turning it back around."

Reporter: "We noticed your first post season fight tonight, what brought that on?"

Felipe: "It actually might have been the first fight of my career. I got pummeled. I was trying to spark the team and get some offense going but that turned out to be counterproductive."

Reporter: "We'd have to check the stats to see if that's your first fight. But it wasn't pretty, you're right about that. You'll have a nice black eye to carry into the next game. How do you change your personal game plan to avoid the "reverse sweep" some are predicting?"

Felipe: "I don't think I personally need to change anything, I don't think the team needs to change anything. I know it seems like something has to change but it's the game plan that got us this far so I think we need to wait it out. I do not want to play a game 7 though. We need to close out this series next game."

Reporter: "With the draft getting ever closer, have any teams reached out to you? How do you expect your game to translate at the next level?"

Felipe: "I think it's safe to answer these types of questions now. I have been contacted by one VHL team who was interested in seeing how I would fit. All I can say is it is a team with a top 5 pick. So that's pretty exciting. To be honest, I'm not completely sure which draft I'm eligible for and which league I'll be playing in next season but I'm excited nonetheless. I don't expect to make the jump to the VHL just yet anyway.  I think I'll be in the VHLM for at least one more season. I need to work on a few aspects of my game before I'm ready for the big time."

Reporter: "Thanks for your time.  Good luck wherever you go.  We'll catch up with you after the draft."


Felipe: "Thank you, talk to you then."


That's all for this edition of Latino in the News.  We will catch up with Felipe after the draft to see where he ends up. Thanks and stay tuned for next edition.

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