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What program are you using for sigs? If you're using Photoshop let me know, and I can give some more specific tips. First off, the render's lack of colour is a bit odd with the bright yellow and green beside him. For you text, try to keep it a bit more simple. I'd keep it level, and look around the graphics forum for some placement inspiration. Most of the time, the best sigs have text somewhat on top of the render. The background wavy effect is pretty cool, just could use a bit more overlaying layers to create some more energy.


Keep it up!

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Overall I find the colours in this piece are a bit washed out which isn't helping it out a whole lot since there isn't much going on. Try to get some stocks and follow some tutorials to really make effects pop. Definitely try to master simple text before making t too complex. Layering effects on when you're unexperienced will likely make text just stand out too much. Keep trying, I'm sure you'll master GFX in no time.

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