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Claimed:Kronos Struggles Early [Reviewed]


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Titan Kronos, former USFL player turned hockey player, took the media by storm last week as he made his jump into professional hockey. ESPN coverage was constant, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of many hockey purists. For a few days, it seemed as if Kronos was bigger than the sport itself. The frenzy was compared to "Linsanity" and "Tebow-mania" except for one little detail....Kronos hasn't played well. When Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow were able to capture America's hearts, they were average players playing well above their talent level. This situation with Kronos has almost been the exact opposite. Many feel Kronos has the talent to excel in a professional hockey league like the VHL, but he currently has been able to register one point in six games played. This has fallen well below the expectations set before him by the media storm his signing has caused. Is Titan Kronos worth the constant circus around him? During an open practice early in the week, Kronos addressed the issue with his play.



I feel like I am really having a hard time transitioning my game. A lot of people expected big things from me in the very beginning, but this sport doesn't work like that. There is a huge difference between the competition here and the guys I used to play against. I have to get my legs under me and eventually it will all come natural. Right now I find myself over thinking things prior to doing them. The best players in this league are able to play based on instinct and I just have not been able to get mine used to this faster paced game yet. I'm a defensemen. Last time I checked that means I stop people from scoring. Just because I've only registered one point doesn't mean that I haven't been doing my job correctly. The media around me has hyped me up this entire past week. They set the bar high and I am going to try my best to reach what they have promised everyone. I won't make any promises though because those are not the expectations I set for myself. The media lights are bright and right now they are shining down directly on me. Every mistake I make it being put under a microscope at the moment and I can't wait for this all to come crashing down on the people who started it. I'm not going to be another one of those guys you build up just to watch crumble. I'm the next big thing in this sport and I suggest people start taking advantage of my play right now. It won't be like this for long. 


Kronos addressed a few more questions regarding his excessive practice habits and if he thought that he may be putting in too much time in the gym.



Are you serious? My body is built for this. I've been a pro athlete before and I know the grind that a season can be. I put the most amount of training hours in as I can. That's the best way to make sure that I am in top shape and reduce my chances of being injured. Working out isn't going to effect my play. The stronger I am, the better I will be. 


With the media following every step he makes, will Titan Kronos be able to put it together and excel? Will it be in time to help the Yukon Rush with their title push?

Edited by Evans
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I remember struggling no matter how much TPE I put into different attributes.  Keep up the hard work and you'll get better.  Nice job with the write up.  No grammar errors that I noticed, 585 word count, everything looks good to me.  Keep it up!

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