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Got caught [Reviewed]


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I have a small story to share with you all this week. The whole thing started when I got a call from one of my best friends in the media world, Dave. Not 100% sure what his last name is, but I call him by his first name, Dave.  He asked if I would be interested in giving him a interview since it´s been a while since we talked and he mentioned that the last interview we did got a lot of positive feedback from the readers.


I of course agreed since I knew it´s going to be a easy interview and he never makes up stuff to make me look bad. We decided to do the whole thing in Dave´s apartment. He lives quite near to me so It was not a problem for me. I went over to Dave´s place and just when I was about to enter into the lobby of his building I got a text from Dave saying: Hey, I will be bit late, go in, my wife will open the door for you.


I knocked on the door and Dave´s wife, Megan opened the door. I have met her few times over the years so we kinda knew each other already. She let me in and told me to make myself comfortable while waiting for Dave to come home. I went to sit on their couch and Megan joined me. Out of nowhere she asked: Do you like how my carpet looks ?
I tried to look away, but could not help myself, I of course answered yes to her question. She had the best looking carpet I have ever seen, I mean it was so soft and well kept. I was so nervous that I knocked over my apple juice, it went all over the carpet. She started to laugh which made me even more nervous. I got on my knees and started to lick the carpet.  





Megan stopped laughing all of a sudden. I thought it was bit weird so I looked up. There was Dave. He did not look happy. One of his friends with his wife, in his own living room licking the carpet.  I tried to explain everything, but he was not listening any of it. The carpet was pretty much ruined. It´s quite hard to get apple juice stains out of a carpet. Me licking it more than likely made it worse.


After about ten minutes, the whole situation was ´normal´ again. Dave even laughed little bit. We tried to clean the carpet together, but it really was ruined. We stopped trying to save the carpet and started to talk about hockey and about what has happened in the past months.  Dave had a list of questions for me, but I started to feel bit tired all of a sudden so I had to stop answering to his questions. We agreed to do the interview some other day when I would be feeling bit better. Not the best few hours in my life.

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