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Sir William Covington III in a very non Covington way has made up his mind and avoided a long drawn out process that would likely have ended in arbitration. The Forward has opted to pick up the final year of his rookie contract to stay in Davos for the time being. Which right now is the next season. Beyond that he can opt to test the market or sign on to stay in Davos. People close to the talks say that Covington has either not shown up for meetings with GM or has been to coked out of his mind to even comprehend what was being said. Most people believe that Covington picked up the final year of his contract to avoid headache. He now seems to hold the cards in the negotiations since he holds a NTC since he picked up the player option. Covington made a short to the point statement on the whole process "People make these things a bigger issue then they really are. I had a simple decision to make. I made it. I will be in Davos for next season. End of story" People will be quick to point out that Covington said "next season" and not longer. Which may point out his plans for the future which is to leave the team once the season is done. But for now all I can say is time will tell.

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