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SWC3 era ends on a whimper


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SWC3 is a man of many words. He is loud and lets his opinion be known to everyone but after losing in game 7 to the shitty Riga Reign SWC3 packed his bags and left the locker room in a real hurry. He gave no uplifting speech to his team, no comment to the media. Which is odd for him because he was the captain for the last two seasons. But after game 7 which wasn't even close he was the first off the ice. He didn't even shake hands with the Reign. By the time his team mates got into the locker room with the somber cloud hanging over them SWC3 had his sharp 3 piece suit on and was ready to hit the road. He had his assistant carry is hockey gear to his car and grabbed a beer for the road. He did actually turn around but did not speak. He sighed and left.


The SWC3 era has officially ended in Davos. It started with him being the cornerstone for a rebuilding franchise in need of a figure and a identity. He gave them that and more. He gave the team an attitude, a reason to go out and fight every game. But now the team will lose him for nothing come free agency. Bidding is expected to reach high numbers on SWC3 which may knock Davos out of the race to get him. SWC3 never shot down the idea of returning but has said that he has all that he can do in Davos and it was time to move on.


There hasn't been many memorable moments in his time in Davos other then his amazing rookie season which capped off with a ROTY win. In his second year his numbers kind of came back down to earth but still were very good. But when the team needed their captain the most in game 7 and some even argue the whole series, SWC3 was nowhere to be found. He was shutdown, he was ineffective and some might even say that he looked like a player with no interest. Almost as if he was already thinking about free agency and not how to win games and the series. Now comes the question of where will SWC3 take his talents next season and beyond. To which I would say you guess is as good as mine. Free agency should be a wild ride since SWC3 appears to be one of if not the top free agents on the market.

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