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Davos will be major players this year


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Davos GM is fired up this year, more active then ever he has 1 goal in mind. Getting that cup that has evaded him for so long. It will happen, season 38 is the last time Davos won. They came 1 win away last year, this year they aim to try and shock. Everyones asking how? You have 2 players on your roster. Well its entirely possible, they swing on every major free agent its also possible to maybe land some too. 


If they miss big, it doesnt mean Davos GM will just sit around he will chase every avenue. Next season may not be his, but he wont sit quietly. Next season marks 14 with the franchise, amoung the most ever in VHL history something that doesnt look to stop any time soon. He wants to really make an impact, with 1 GM of the year award under his belt, he is looking for more by that he means a cup, awards for his boys. 


Even is Davos is not moved Komarov is still going to kill himself trying to capture a cup for his franchises fans. Free agents, you guys want a motivated loyal GM? A guy who makes sure his players are happy, bleeds for his franchise. Thats me, take a chance on Davos and lets make Davos Great Again

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