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Claimed:Promises Kept


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 The Rig Reign and Titan Kronos have done it. The former #1 overall pick turned role player has kept the promise he made from day one when Riga showed confidence in taking him above the rest of his draft class. Kronos promised to help turn Riga back into a contender and help them end up holding a cup high above their heads in celebration as champions. While many would have hoped that Kronos would be one of the top guys on the roster at that point, it does not seem to bother the cross sport champion in the slightest. With a USFL Championship and VHL Cup to his name, Titan Kronos is just happy to be here.



Taking me number one overall was a risky move, but I think Riga still made the right choice. I was new to the sport and still trying to get my skates under me. I was and still am a raw prospect that has been trying to just get better each and every day. At the end of my rookie season, I could tell my interest was diminishing and that I wasn't going to pan out into the top guy that you would hope to get number one overall. My position and the way I have trained...it has all been kind of on the fly. I haven't really known what I was doing despite people explaining to me the easiest way to get to stardom. This team has seen so many heart breaks and I think me realizing I was going to need to take a back seat to some better talent was the right move for this franchise.


When the final buzzer sounded and the Riga Reign were crowned champions, Titan Kronos couldn't hold back the emotions. He was genuinely happy. 



These guys deserved it. I know I wasn't the biggest help in the world, but I feel like every single member of this team earned that championship. Everyone played their part and when things were looking rough, they dug down deep and finished strong. We won two game sevens to make this happen. TWO! I wanted to be the star that won it for us, but I've come to realize I may not ever end up being that player. I promised to bring Riga a championship and although I didn't get the game winning goal, I was able to keep that promise. This team was magical and I am glad that I was able to be a part of it. 


With his contract coming to an end, Kronos reassured that this isn't the last time we see him on the ice.



Riga hasn't discussed an extension of any sorts and I don't really blame them. I haven't played up to my projections thus far in my career. This championship win though.....I don't know man. It feels really damn good. I don't want this to be the last time I feel this way on the ice. I think I have a lot to offer teams and I am going to see what I can do to get my activity up to par with the league max. I can get better and I think for my next cup win, I can be a key part of whatever team I am on.


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