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One week close to being over, which also means that we are one week closer for the training camp to start. Playoffs are currently going on and if everything goes smoothly, we should be quite close to finding out who wins the cup this season one week from now, perhaps even earlier.


I have not followed the playoffs too closely this year, Quebec not playing in the playoffs this season plays big part in that, but also the way how regular season went overall this year has been a factor. European conference was basically a two team race all year long, North-American conference was insanely tight, 3 teams with over 90 points and fourth best collected solid 87 as well. That 87 points is only 8 less than the best team in European conference had. 


Not a good look for the league when a team in the European conference can make it into playoffs with 36 points and NA team misses out with 87. I´m not sure why things ended up like this, is it just ´bad luck´ and something that we might not see anytime soon or sign of something that will happen a lot in the near future? Unless the league does something of course. 




I must admit that I have not followed the league too closely in the last two or so seasons, so I cant say what has happened with teams and their rosters, but lately it looks like VHL has quite few free agents after each year? Why is that?  Is it just players who are close to retirement that go out and try to win as many cups as possible or just something has always happened, players stay at one team for some time and if things wont work out, they will try to find a new home. 


I cant remember things being like this seasons ago? Or maybe they were and I should start following what happens around VHL more closely.  Everything I just talked and mentioned is after almost 0 research, so you know, don´t take anything too seriously.


Interesting to see what will happen in the next few seasons, the 2nd player thing should bring more players into VHL, but at the same time quite few will retire, so how much things will change in the end? Will everyone who got the chance to build second player ever make it into VHL? What kind of players they will be, solid 400 TPE players or even star level players close/over 1000TPE? Can the league afford to lose even one player from the second player group to inactivity? What if the next few seasons go just like the way season 52 went? One division superior while the other not anywhere close. Will that help to keep the users from second player group active? 


Nobody knows for sure, I´m having hard time in believing every team can put together even one line of active or semi - active players in the near future. Maybe it´s time to make the league smaller and drop few teams?


We shall see what happens. As mentioned, 0 research and I have no idea what I´m talking about. All for the delicious tpe. 

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