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Enter Rudolph Schmeckeldorf


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Zurich, Switzerland - After more than two years of full-time absence, VHL player agent Thomas Corcoran has officially announced his return, coming in the form of Swiss forward Rudolph Schmeckeldorf. Corcoran hopes that Schmeckeldorf will be a large upgrade over his previous endeavor, Rift Pajodcast, whose career mostly mired in mediocrity for it's entirety. "Aside from my first ever player who never made it out of the minor leagues, Pajodcast was my worst; I consider the careers of Corcoran and Bagelface to have been successful, and I hope to see Schmeckeldorf go down a path similar to that of the aforementioned two. My interest in the league had obviously waned by the time Pajodcast came around, and this in turn led to my leave of absence." 

Even with the melancholy of Pajodcast's career fresh in Corcoran's mind, he feels that Schmeckeldorf will be a big bounce back to his reputation, "Schmeckeldorf is a talented young player, he definitely has first round potential if he plays his cards right and sticks to a work ethic like that of Corcoran and Bagelface. He has actually just began to train at the same facility that both still attend, so expect good things from the kid."
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