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Las Vegas in VHLM?


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Lets be honest, I think the league did the wrong decision here.They could have picked quite few places that would have been better places for a hockey team. For example Quebec, everybody who have been following VHL knows what kind of place Quebec is, Quebec is like Rome of the hockey world.  It´s a total mystery why there is only one professional hockey team in Quebec. Whatever you want or can do in Las Vegas, you can do in Quebec. 


You can watch Quebec City Meute play, you can bet on Quebec City Meute games, you can buy Quebec City Meute fan products from multiple locations, I mean, the list goes on and on.  


I know many are wondering what is so bad about Las Vegas? Surely it´s better to have diversity between teams and not just have few cities getting all the action? Sure, but lets look what the VHLM will look like now that Las Vegas is in, VHLM has teams in Ottawa, Oslo, Saskatoon and Yukon. I think I speak for every hockey fan here when I say that something is missing, that something is Quebec.  It´s nice to spend time in Ottawa, Yukon etc, but every moment you spend there, you are thinking: Man, I could be in Quebec right now.


If I would have to pick one team, other than Las Vegas, that would have to be relocated, it would be Yukon. Yukon sounds like a cars name, when I played there with Saskatoon during my time in VHLM , the weather was horrible and don´t get me started with their fans, just complete bullies all of them, I remember this one time when I fell during the warm-up skate before a game against Yukon, the fans pointed at me and laughed. I lost my confidence completely after that, I could barely get nine hours of sleep each night, the moments in Yukon kept creeping into my dreams for at least three days. 




If I´m completely honest, I need to take some of my words back, it´s not better to have too much variety in the league if the teams and fans bring the VHLM´s value down with their actions. Important to remember that VHLM is a league for the future stars, most join when they are young and naive. Sending them to place like Yukon or Las Vegas can even ruin careers. If VHL and VHLM would put hockey first, VHLM would have teams from Oslo, Ottawa, Saskatoon and three teams from Quebec.


Oslo would get to keep their place as the only European team, Ottawa does a lot of charity work during the season and Saskatoon has been very vocal supporter of Quebec right from the start. Moving to Quebec seems to be the only goal in life for many from Saskatoon, the warm weather with endless job opportunities is like honey to bees or cake to hungry person. 


Only time will tell how the start goes in Las Vegas, facilities and arena is top notch, but is that enough? We will see soon.

Edited by jRuutu
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1 minute ago, punkhippie said:

Ahah the land if Kiprusoff, Jokinen, Ruutu, Niemi, and I forget who else since I don't watch Nhl anymore.

:D You cant miss NHL here, if anybody scores or does something, it´s on the sports news. 


I have not followed NHL that closely either, check the scores and maybe some highlights here and there.

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Well I don't watch TV lol. Haven't followed NHL for years literally. Last time few years ago one of my friends was going to the "season opener" sometime not in autumn and I was shocked. Because I know it is around October. Turns out it was a lockout year and I had no clue lol.

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20 minutes ago, punkhippie said:

Well I don't watch TV lol. Haven't followed NHL for years literally. Last time few years ago one of my friends was going to the "season opener" sometime not in autumn and I was shocked. Because I know it is around October. Turns out it was a lockout year and I had no clue lol.



I get my news from the glorious interweb as well, but it gets annoying after little while when everything Patrik Laine does ends up being a news story. Laine took a shower, Laine likes to cook etc


I have watched maybe 5 NHL games in my entire life. Time difference is pain in the ass.

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Fuck Quebec. Las Vegas sells its self. You have no idea how many draftees have asked if I was going to draft them and FA's asking if I had interest in them. Plus with me a GM it's the perfect situation for the VHLM. It has never seen so much hype in it's whole history.

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