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Kronos Pens a Letter to the VHL


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Former Riga Reign player Titan Kronos has reappeared following a season long absence that saw him not play a single game last season. With the rumors of his potential return to the VHL, many are wondering where he has been and why he decided to sit out an entire season while entering one of his prime years of his career. Despite not receiving a clear answer in recent interviews with him, Kronos decided to send a letter to the VHL players association. The letter has recently been posted online after a series of computer hacks.



Brothers and sisters, I have not disappeared as they would all like you to believe. My absence was that of a greater purpose and I want you all to know that just because it was not the conventional thing to do does not mean that it was the wrong one. I know I am not the only one that felt like I was shackled. These theoretical chains that hung around my neck made me feel like I was not a person, but a piece of revenue. One day I went to bed with the weight of these chains on me and woke up to a new life. The weight was gone and I could see something in my eyes that I had never seen before....I was complete. These sports are not needed to make yourselves better people, they are only a distraction from what is really happening in the world. I've seen the light. I know what has to be done for us to change this world to the image it was meant to be. I have been chosen to make things right and I hope that some of you will follow me into this journey. We can change the world. We will change the world. 


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