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Krigars proves that size is not everything


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Last night we saw a heart-warming moment when Fredinamijs Krigars challenged much bigger Fabio Jokinen to a fight in the game between Riga and Quebec. Somebody might be wondering how can a fight be heart-warming? To understand why it was so special, you need to first know what Krigars has been through to get where he is today. Years ago many said that hockey is too dangerous for a kid of his size, he might get seriously hurt eventually when other kids get bigger and the game itself gets faster, but Krigars has proved all the doubters wrong. He stick with it and now look where he is ! Playing professional hockey in the highest possible level.


I think we can all take a break from our busy lifes and think for a moment how well our things truly are. There are people who are less fortunate, but Krigas is a living proof that being 6ft tall does not mean anything if you are determined and willing to put everything you have to be successful.


 I will now share some pictures of Fredinamijs that hopelly will inspire you the same way I was inspired.



Krigars pictured after he signed his first contract with Riga.



Krigars next to a cake, possibly a birthday of his



Training camp can be painful



All dressed up for the Halloween!

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