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If only


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If only I could travel back in time 48 hours. I would say to myself: listen up Fabio, whatever you are thinking about doing soon, don´t do it. I repeat, don´t do it. The picture you took has been seen by half of Quebec by now and it´s only matter of time before the whole world sees it. Taking pictures like that is risky, what the hell are you thinking? You are a public figure, if the picture starts circling around the internet even more, it will never be taken out. Every time someone mentiones your name, they will bring that picture up. Some might even make memes of it, which only helps the picture spreading to every single corner of this world.


I mean, taking pictures is fine, but for the love of god, make sure there is not a mirror or any other reflecting surface behind you. The picture you are about to take clearly shows your bare ass from the second mirror in the bathroom. Who´s great idea was it to add so many mirrors into the bathroom in the first place? Anyways, do not take any pictures tonight!! Or put pants on at least.


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