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Claimed: Games cancelled


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It´s a Tuesday night, I´m at home doing my usual routine before getting ready to hit the bed. I don´t want to go too much into detail about the routine, but it´s something I have been doing for some time now, I look myself from the mirror and make sure everything is like it should, well maintained and oiled up. Now, when I was in middle of oiling my feet, someone had the stones to actually call to me.


I looked who was the caller, it was Frank - the GM of Meute. After seeing it was Frank, I was ready to ignore the call like I normally do when he calls, but then I realized that something serious might be going on for him to call so late? So I answered and indeed something unusual is going on, the two games against Riga and one against Calgary have been cancelled! I did not even get to ask why before Frank already hanged up.


We got few days off in result, so I´m not mad or anything, but still interesting to hear games being cancelled, or well I´m not sure if they are cancelled, but they were not played on the day that they were scheduled on, so postponed might be the better word.  


Rarely see that in todays VHL either way, so on the next day I decided to look into it and found out nothing. No reason or anything, only information I found is just the fact that games are not played on the scheduled days.


Naturally I was left even more curious after that and started thinking what could be the reason? Is there something unusual going on in Riga and in Calgary? Perhaps a doping scandal of some kind, multiple players from both teams got caught and because of that, VHL had to postpone the games to make sure the results are fully analyzed?


I don´t want to start any rumors by saying this, but there are couple players I could easily see eating something more than just porridge and orange juice on the mornings. Jacob from Calgary and Krigars from Riga are my picks to be among the players under investigation at the moment.




Jacob because the guy is massive, but still moves around like a young gaselle. You don´t get that kind agility and ability to always be on the right spot by just being at home when dinner is ready.


Krigars is a smaller guy in height, but for some reason he does not get hurt at all. He has so far been hit over 200 times in 40 games, but no injuries? Is that even possible without using some kind of injury preventing substance?

These are of course purely my own speculations on what is going on, but I would suggest spreading the message to Jacobs and Krigas social media accounts and every possible video by commenting with lines like this: It´s easy to save when times slow down for you, you cheater or no wonder you never get injured, even if you lose a tooth, new one will grow during the night, you cheater.


VHL against doping, say no to cheating and spread the message!



Edited by jRuutu
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