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Claimed: Augustus Gloop: Rookie Profile

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Augustus Gloop - Rookie Report



Position: D
Age: 17
Handedness: R 

Jersey Number: 71
Height (inches): 71"
Weight (lbs.): 199 lbs
Birthplace: Düsselheim, Germany 23px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png


It seems like just yesterday this young defensive prospect was picked up by the Cologne Express, 12th overall in the second round of the Victory Hockey League entry draft. For Gloop and at the time, it was a large moment in his career that would later define him as a player that should have been but likely won't become. Over the last little while, it was brought to league attention that his training was starting to decline and that very minimal amounts of effort to improve were being shown. However, with a recent transaction between Cologne and Seattle, Augustus Gloop now is Bears property (a place where his agent has decent ties with the team). Due to the Augustus Gloop files being burned and thrown away by previous Express management, we are following up that one with a new rookie report.


The Early Years

Augustus Gloop has never been a glorified prospect who everyone thought he was going to become a huge star. In fact, very little had him pegged as that. Of the 24 scouts throughout the league, only 1 had him becoming a huge star. The following 23 scouts had him turning out as a mid levelled defender who will still play a big, important game. Looks like both may have been wrong. Growing up, Augustus always seemed like there was something special enough inside of his character that he'd become a decent player. He tried hard as a kid and it showed at the time. From the ages of 6-12, he played in the minor systems in Dusselheim, generally being better than a majority of the children. Once he turned 15, he was scouted by the higher prospect league where he played for the Dussheim Fudge Attack. It was at these moments he took huge strides and started to get noticed.


Gloop Statistics with the Fudge Attack (32 game seasons)

64 GP - 16G - 24 A - 40 PTS - +15 - 37 HITS


The Draft. Then, the trade.

The moment he turned 17, he was pushed into the VHLM system. We wouldn't say pushed, but his name was a fair one heading into the draft. Scouts knew what to expect, or at least they though so. 12 overall to the Cologne Express, Gloop would spend the up coming season in the minors. Over the course of the season, Gloop showed no signs of promise and declined largely as a prospect. Gloop has 14 goals, 32 assist for 46 points through the 45 games played. Following the 45th game, he got a text from his agent saying "You're on to bigger and better.. don't blow it". The next morning, he was on a flight out to Seattle to meet his new managemen and teammates. A huge change in the young players career and a  bigger gamble by Seattle to see if they can revive this prospects career.


Player Evaluation 



Augustus Gloop has a coupe strong things going from him that make him a fairly decent prospect - even to this day. The first being is that his age determines that he has a long career in front of him is he chooses to push forward and make it through the grind. He's a S56 VHL prospect and the season currently being played out right now is S56. Yes, he's had a slow start compared to lots in his class and yes, he's heavily behind to even become an average player. Yet, age is on his side and if he puts in the work, the potential for him rises with each update.



This one is a big one. Gloop's agent, while having a tendency to dip away from the scene for awhile, has the reputation of making fairly good and loyal players. Seattle is really playing off that fact that Rodriguez became something, so Gloop can too. Differences is that his agent was more consistent back then and Rodriguez' work ethic is a crazy amount of times higher than Gloop's. That does not mean that Augustus can look the bull in the eyes and grow as a prospect. In fact, after a recent talk with Bears GM Blake Campbell, it seems Gloop may push himself this go around with the Bears. 



For a young player, 77 overall for the defensive rating from scouts isn't really a bad thing. A lot of young guys like to score, so you'll generally notice that the defensive abilities of a VHLM and VHL defensemen are totally different and noticeable when compared. For Gloop, it is noticeable, but not as greatly. Gloop plays a strong defensive game in the VHLM, so it will be interesting to see how he and Seattle morph him. 


Player Evaluation

Negatives /Weaknesses


Sometimes a good question to ask Gloop is, "Will you be around tomorrow", to which his likely response could be nothing because he's already gone. This is something he is going to need to work on if he is going to become better. Without activity in the league, you will go nowhere. If Gloop keeps up his usual presence, expect him to be out of the league in a season or two.



Both scouting statistics average out to be at 40 for passing and scoring.  Adding onto those stats, two others that largely help the offensive game also sit at 40. Those stats are Puck Handling and Skating. Now, Gloop was never known as an amazing skater, however, eh wasn't horrible either. Guess that's what happens when you come from mythical place made out of chocolate and gum drops. Yet, he finds himself as one of the worse skaters of the S56 prospects.



We're not saying he's not going to become anything, but with the slow start and poor work ethic so far, it's hard to say what he can now become. The mountain has gotten taller and taller from him to climb and the bigger than mountains gets, the smaller he becomes. It will be interesting to see how both parties of Seattle and Gloop handle this and what exactly they plan to do with the young prospect. If he can improve his determination and work ethic, expect him to become a solid pick up for a cheap price for Seattle. 

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