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Why Active VHLM GMs are Important

Fire Tortorella

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It's almost 9PM EST on a Sunday and I'm running out of ideas for a fan590, so I figured I'd chime in on a topic that I feel is important to the league, and that's active VHLM GMs. Perhaps more so than the VHL, active GMs are integral to a successful VHLM. Oftentimes, those GMs are the first people that reach out to new members, and it's extremely important that those new and returning members feel welcome. But that activity has to continue. I've had multiple new members now on different VHLM teams mention to me that they're excited for this upcoming season not only due to their improved play, but also because they have an active lockerroom and someone to talk to. It's not exactly a secret that the VHL doesn't have the most active LRs, and that's not necessarily a bad thing with chat or discord, but it's important to remember that new members may be reluctant to join in on that conversation because they don't know anyone.


I've hit 150 words. TL;DR: Keep VHLM LRs active for new members so they stick around.

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