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8 hunnit


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With this article I will be moving from 800 TPE to 801 TPE. Been a long road to this point, started over a year ago and here I am, getting closer to the end of my career. Sounds bit dramatic, but I think I still got couple seasons left and for those seasons I got few goals:


1. Win cup 4 times in row

2. Break my personal TPE record of 876 that I got with my last player.


When looking at it now, I think the number 1 option is more likely to happen. Quebec Meute has been playing extremely well lately, a lot of W´s in our schedule and when I´m just reaching my prime, there is no reason why we cant go after the cup this year and also in the future.


Personal TPE record breaking is a interesting one, still got those couple seasons left like I mentioned, but I´m also losing solid amount of points after each season, can I keep motivation up when I one day wake up and notice I don´t have hair anymore? Depreciation takes everything you know, she does not ask are you ready or is there something you would like to keep, she just comes in and takes what she wants. Cold life this virtual hockey life, especially towards the end.

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