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Good evening everybody! We are getting closer and closer to the climax of the season, also known as the finals! Some lucky team gets to celebrate with the cup, if you ask from me - that team is Quebec Meute. We did not have to play on the first round of playoffs, so that extra rest is only going to help us and if I´m honest, it has showed already in the series against Toronto, we have been just slightly more sharp in basically everything so far, in result of that - Toronto is down in wins 3-1.


Game five is on the schedule next and it goes without saying, Toronto will come at us 100% and do whatever it takes to win, but we can use that to our advantage. We don´t have to take any risks at all, but the closer to third period we get and if the score is close, Toronto has to be more aggressive and try to score, if they don´t  - we could go over to overtime and shootout. I´m not sure if Toronto wants that, overtime maybe, but one mistake there and you are out, same in shootout, so if I would have to put my money on it,  we wont see a overtime or shootout in game five, either Toronto takes it home during first three periods or we do.




I don´t want to share too much information on what we have been focusing on at the practice lately, but shootouts have been something we have been working on even more than usually. I have not taken part in the shootout drills, because well, we all know what I can do with the puck, it´s important that the feeling and atmoshpere in the practice is positive, so if I go out there and absolutely humiliate the goalies, who knows what kind of effect that has on them mentally? Everybody will say it´s nothing, but getting deked out by a defender who also has a mustache is not something that happens often, outside of Quebec I mean, here it happens all the time when I´m shooting and deking around.


But like I said, Toronto has all the pressure on them, we can just wait and see what they do and go from there. I´m expecting our offensive firepower to be enough to secure us the magical fourth win that sends Quebec to finals and Toronto to summer holiday. Toronto has some great players in the roster, so it wont be easy, but Maxwell, Gaudette and Muller trio has looked really dangerous so far, Skye in net has been like a rock and defense with Louth, Pablo and myself have also looked good, so I´m fully expecting the series to end soon.


If that is the case, in the finals we play either Riga or Helsinki. Personally I dislike them both, so if and when we play either one of them, beating them will feel nice.





To finish this blog entry, I would like to put some attention on the updating situation of VHL, not getting updated for playoffs is just terrible,  might be time to add one updater for each team and reward each user with the 2 tpe. That updater could be anyone inside the team for example. If that is the only way we get everybody updated on regular pace, time to go for it. No point in hiring two users who update everything, eventually they will get burned out and here we are. I´m not updating half of the league, but I could update Quebec once per week 100%, every week.


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