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I saw the light [1/2]


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I can tell you that it was bright, but this time nothing supernatural was behind it. I was sleeping in the locker room after our end of the season party, Quebec´s general manager Frank Chadwick walked in and pointed a flashlight to my face, then he asked this question: Would you be interested in playing as a forward next season?


I was naturally surprised to see Frank there and after I got over the shock of the bright light on my face and also seeing Frank without pants on, I jumped up and let him know that I´m up for it if needed to. Chadwick replied with: Cool, cool and walked out of the room and I started to make my way towards home as well at that point.


As I´m writing this, it´s the morning after. Nothing official has happened yet, but I´m kinda interested to see what will happen if I indeed make the jump to winger position. I played as a winger here and there when I was a lot younger, but the last fifteen or so years I have played as a defender, but I like to think I have what it takes to be a solid player in offense and hopefully help Quebec to win the cup by making the move from defense to offense.




What it means for Quebec if I move to offense? Well, looking at it right now - I would more than likely play with Muller and Snatch on the first line, either Pablo or Louth will play on the first pairing with the new guy, Felix Savard who is making the move from Calgary to Quebec for the upcoming season! Skye is in net naturally, so in my opinion we got pretty nice looking lineup, even more so if we manage to even add few more pieces to the puzzle, but we shall see what happens during the off-season.


Little fun fact: Lee King Snatch also played as a defender for big chunk of his VHL career before making the move to offense, so if I do the same, we got quite interesting flavor in everything, two former defenders now playing together in offense! Quite scary offensive trio if I´m honest, Muller is a elite playmaker while both Snatch and I can play pretty solid two-way game due to our background as defenders, but both still have the offensive upside with elite level shot and even playmaking, so we could potentially be the best line in the whole VHL next year? But like I said, nothing is official yet. I might play as a forward or I might keep playing as a defender.





To finish this article I would like to say few words about the latest news about taking the two player system out. I´m glad it´s being taken out, terrible system, just hope they eventually will eliminate the GM´s from having the ability to create two and have something else instead,  because GM´s can really make things happen that does not need to happen. For example, what stops all Gm´s from signing with one team together with their second players and creating ´super team´? Or what stops a GM from leaving a rival team for free if the actual team the GM is controlling is about to be in weaker position if he or she stays with the rival - just leave and sign with someone else and watch your controlled team be in better position? If you don´t want to be ´stuck´ in one team, you should not be a GM, simple as that.





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I agree that GM's shouldnt be able to have another player because why just give it to some of the member base? Doesn't make sense, yes they will be stuck on their own team but that is the price you pay for being a GM. I'm glad you didn't move to forward because now you are defense for Seattle ;)

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