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Laflammes Return


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Xavier Laflamme has been rolling under the radar for far too long now. The superstar is ready to take the spot light and put on a show for the fans, Seattle Bears and their general manager. weather it happens over night or over a period of seasons, Laflamme is going to find his max potential. Potential that will help the Bears win a cup or maybe even two. Who knows? If your ready to watch this player wow the hockey world follow him throughout his career on and off the ice. He has been a hockey icon for kids that have them idling him and looking at him like a gift from the hockey gods.  


Laflamme did not have a good season at all, but its never to late to change for anyone. In a recent interview reporters asked Xavier how he is going to improve his game and his response was, " I'm going to work on my skating day in and day out. The power of my shot and the accuracy. I am here to score goals and that is what I am going to do."  So there you have it folks. 

Edited by Laflamme
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