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Marcus Högberg introductory press conference

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This is the introductory press conference for Swedish defenceman Marcus Högberg.



He arrived by plane from Gothenburg just a few hours ago and looks forward to answering any questions members of the media might have as he prepares for the VHLM Entry draft.

Edited by OldTimeHockey
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2 minutes ago, Quik said:

What are your first impressions of the league?


What drew you to the VHL?


Aside from your father, who was your idol growing up?


It has been good to me thus far. The general managers and staff have been very kind and helpful as I prepare to move from Sweden into the league. I am looking forward to completing my move and beginning my career in a new country.


I was drawn to the VHL because it gives me an opportunity to prove myself and form my own path. In Sweden, I am always being compared to my father which can wear on a young player. I want to come over here and begin to write my own chapters, and not just be a continuation of my father's story.


Growing up in Sweden, it's hard to not look up to Peter Forsberg. He is one of the all-time greats on the world stage and I really looked up to him, as well as my father. I actually got to meet him a few times at hockey events my family would attend. He was always one to offer advice, especially when it came to playing in North America.

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23 hours ago, CowboyinAmerica said:

Any significance to the number 77?


Why have you decided to work on your offensive game more than your defensive?


It's just a number I was given when I first began playing hockey. I've been lucky enough to continue to wear it everywhere I go so It's followed me throughout my career.


I've always just been more offensively gifted. I've been trying to work on my defence, but it hasn't clicked in just yet. I've tried to play a different position but I've always felt comfortable patrolling the blue line.

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Where do you see yourself in 5 seasons from now any general goals or milestones you have or think you can hit? 


Do you believe you could be looked up to as an idol for the younger Swedish kids out there like Forsberg was too you? 


How exactly are you planning on working on your defensive game any specific training exercises how much time and effort are you willing/planning on putting in?    

Edited by Sami K
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/17/2018 at 3:12 PM, Sami K said:

Where do you see yourself in 5 seasons from now any general goals or milestones you have or think you can hit? 


Do you believe you could be looked up to as an idol for the younger Swedish kids out there like Forsberg was too you? 


How exactly are you planning on working on your defensive game any specific training exercises how much time and effort are you willing/planning on putting in?    


I'm hoping to be one of the premier defenceman in the VHL in five seasons and hope to become one of the leaders on the ice. As for a goal, I'm hoping to reach around 300 points in the VHL.


That's what I'm hoping to become, I feel like kids in places like Sweden need a hockey idol to look up to to ensure the game continues to grow in our homes.


I have always been willing to put in the effort but I have never managed to make everything click at once. The coaches have me watching film and performing many different drills to improve that portion of the game. I've learned that skating actually plays a bigger role than I expected when it comes to the defensive zone.


11 hours ago, Quik said:



How has the transition from Sweden to Oslo gone for you? How is life in the Storm locker room?


It has been great so far, not having to move to a new continent has probably helped me get off to a big start in the league. The guys in the locker room have been great too, I have no complaints with the team so far.

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