BluObieZ 1,125 Posted June 30, 2018 Share Posted June 30, 2018 Beketov told me I can post these for Orion and claim one a week once he is created. 4 Orion. Not Ko Kane. Since the beginning of time in the VHL people knew what they were getting when they got me on their team or read my posts around the league. It was that little… well big extra thing most post people didn’t have or chose not show on the site. It was my ego and boy did it push people the wrong way. To say I intended it like that would be a massive and cocky lie. But what I will say is that I chose not to dumb myself down for you people. I chose to be me and not a fake person like lots of people chose to be. I guess that rubbed people the wrong way. I didn’t care then and I still don’t care now. People told me to not say things like “I’m better then you" and “I look down at people like you" but when you tell me not do that and I’ll want to do it and say it more. It’s just how I’m wired. Its Robbie and if you didn’t like it then most likely we clashed. I was brought up in a wealthy family and true to everyone’s beliefs the rich do look down upon the less fortunate. We are told they are weaker because they do not have the smarts or passion to be where we are. We are taught that we are the upper class and people below us are less then us. My father told me that never pity the lesser people because that makes you weak. Sure you can give to charity and shit which he did and I do not. That’s not pity. We do it for tax right offs and not out of the kindness of our hearts. My ego was born at a very young age. I would laugh at teachers and make them cry because they worked for shitty money. Teachers told me a kid my age should not have a ego and I told them people their age should have more money. It was fun. Was it rude? Sure looking back I was a little dick. In grade 5 I’d come to school every day with $100 for lunch money even though I’d have my driver Lars pick me up at lunch and bring me home to play video games and such. Hell our maid Helen gave me lunch every day. So why did I need that $100 daily? To show off of course. I was the cool kid. And no people didn’t use me for my money. I didn’t buy anyone anything. I pocketed it all. This was on top of my allowance weekly. I will not tell you how much that was but with my $500 in lunch money plus that I was making more then most people do in 2 weeks. Hell even lots do in a month. I had a safe in my room with stacks of cash. It was epic. When I got older I noticed that with my wealth I can make girls do anything. Spend a few bucks on them to make em happy and boy did they make me happy. I was king and I loved it. I was the guy most of you would have hated in school. The wealthy kid being dropped off in luxury cars, tons of friends and I was a jock. I got all the pretty girls and it wasn’t fair. To me it was but to others it wasn’t. But oh fucking well. The rich always win. But back to my ego. I’m not writing this to gloat about my past that you know nothing about. I’m here to talk about what you know about. My ego ran everything I did and still does. Now its dumbed down because I am less active so my little jabby comments get lost in the sea of daily posts. But back then I ruined Hamilton/NY out of pure ego. I wanted to make a joke of a team. That was not horrible but not amazing. I wanted to gather all the unwanted people, all the egos on one team and if they succeeded it would have been a happy mistake. I would have loved it. But didn’t care enough to actually go out and get big guys to help that team along. Fives a crowd was another great show of ego. We would make 2-3hr podcasts trying to go longer and longer each time. It was hours of us just talking shit about people. The only thing league related in it was that we were attacking people and their players. Fuck! I wish those episodes were still available just so the newer guys around here would know what a true egotistical fuck sounds like. It was my ego at it’s best and some might say its absolute worst, due to comments I made that got me banned and my player getting the first and I’m sure only player suspension in league history. But I will not go into more detail about this podcast or the comment because they will have their own articles later down the line. If you thought just that was too much then you forgot about my GMC clause which is a guaranteed movement clause. Which was an clause built into my contract that the team had to trade me to a team that I chose if I wanted a trade. The league since has banned the use of such clauses. I’ve had other Robbie clauses in contracts all of which cannot be used anymore. I guess you can say I helped shape the league with my assholic ways. So much so that I’ve coined a fraise “The Robbie Fuckery" or “ The Robbie 1-2" which is me signing a 3 year rookie contract which the 3rd year is a PO whenever I signed these I had zero intention on picking up that 3rd year. I was setting up for what I call “Free Agency Fuckery" Free Agency Fuckery… my crowning achievement. Well other then NY and Las Vegas. But no one has ever built up hype around a free agency like I have. I mean look at what I did with Martinez. I drew out the whole thing over a 4 day period. Had people pitching me. I had gm’s and players begging me to come to their team. I would set times where I would drop possible teams till it came down to two teams. I had the league eating out of my hand. It was all ego driven. I loved it and Orion will bring it back but with a new twist. A twist you will have to wait for. I can talk about more of the ego driven things I have done. Things like personal attacks, attempting to buy a team, attempting to buy the league, being the “trolliest troll" that even my boy Olympian wanted to punch a random person in hopes it was me, following people around the forum attacking them… God the list goes on. Which brings me to a question why wasn’t I perma banned? Like seriously the shit I did was way worse then what these new guys are getting banned for. But anyways. Las Vegas is the last ego point I’ll bring up. I literally did nothing the first season as GM. I just devised my move to Las Vegas. No gm work was done till I traded for V2A at the end of the season. I got him dirt fucking cheap. Once I had him I set my plan in epic motion. V2A gave me the best goalie in the league by far. It made me unbeatable. Pair him with the ass ton of picks I had it was the perfect storm of fuckery. People would say it was hard to fuck up with my picks but after the 1st round it was hit and miss. I got key players in the 2nd round. Depth players. After that the hype train started. Status updates, PT’S, articles. I rammed that team down your throats till you gagged and still kept it there not caring what people thought. We were so unbeatable that GM’s were devising a plan to trade all the good players to one team in efforts to stop me. It was not possible. Free agents only wanted to come to Vegas which made me even stronger. I strongly believe that the league after my record breaking run forced us to lose because they couldn't let us go undefeated. We lost to real shit teams and slaughtered the best. It was them also trying to keep me and my ego in check. It didn’t work because I knew at the end of the day we’d win. The league could try their best and in the finals they did but I came out on top. My non caring attitude rubbed two morons the wrong way and they cried till I had Anderson trade them so they can go lose. I didn’t give a fuck. So much so that I didn’t even send in line updates for the last 33% of the season and all of the playoffs until we “lost" 2 games in the finals. Because I knew whatever line I used we’d win. But I changed shit up for the last 2 games of the finals because that way the league just couldn’t fuck me. We won. Then I got fired. Which fed my ego even more. I did what I wanted to accomplish. I will end this with something someone once said “leave Robbie alone and he will go away" in most cases that was true. If you gave up on a argument I’d lose interest and leave but sometimes my ego just wouldn’t let me stop. I had argument threads go 20+ pages. I just didn’t give up. I was the true asshole that people loved to hate and some still do. I had the unique ability to find shit that cut deep with anyone I argued with that pissed them off and made them argue more. I still posses that ability but I don’t care anymore. Not that I cared before, it’s just I care even less now. 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Phil 5,146 Posted April 28, 2019 Share Posted April 28, 2019 Ego Waffles for breakfast lunch and dinner!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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