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Where might Slipher end up?


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With the VHL season nearing completion, it's time for me to take a look at where I might end up playing next season. A look at the bottom four teams shows that the lottery will include Quebec, Riga, Seattle, and Toronto. It'll be easier to tell how things will work once the lottery plays out, but either way it's plausible that Riga will be picking third and Quebec will be picking fourth. I figure that's Slipher's ceiling at this point. He could fall to the fifth or sixth spot of the draft (not altogether impossible), but interestingly the bottom two playoff teams at this point have both traded their first-round picks away. Moreover, New York's pick is held by Quebec and Calgary's pick is held by Riga. It's entirely possible that the picks in the window I see Slipher going in will be held by two teams, and as a result I'm preparing to join either Quebec (where my last decent player spent his prime) or Riga (where by best offensive player had his strongest seasons). I'll have a better idea after the season ends, though. Who knows, maybe Riga and Quebec will hold the first two picks of the round and the last two.

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