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Feels like this has been a title before, but with me busier than ever on this site, mixing up with work and everything else going on, there's nothing ever wrong with a quick blab. The Quick blab we're going to roll with this week is going to be about how impressed I am with the league lately. Not only have we seen a bunch of new members join, take on some nice roles and prove their activity and efforts immensely, but we've also watched the league grow as a whole too! From the amazing new portal we've watched pop up and continuously get better, to new statistic/rankings and all-time GM stats, to the new updating system, the revival of a successful WJC and so much more. 


It's crazy to think only a short while ago the league was looking dim. We couldn't see the end, but knew if things continued it wasn't looking to great for those who still love this site. Thankfully, a lot of great people stepped up - new and old, and have contributed to the league in so many ways. I could list a bunch but it takes everyone on this site to make it what it truly is. 


Keep kicking ass VHL!


+2 Smirnov

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