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Der Podcast 188

der meister

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What you didn’t consider when bashing Smirnov and I for +/- is that we both play on 3/4 lines. So basically every goal against we’re on the ice for. By comparison, Cast, Preencarnacion, and Canmore all play on 2/4 lines.


Not gonna lie, kinda burns to be the only player that stands a chance of passing Cast in goals and to just be bashed for my +/- without really any other notes. Oh well, you are driving when you do these so I can’t expect you to have all the numbers in front of you. And like you said my page wouldn’t load for whatever reason.


Also, making the cap easier to allow superstar teams wouldn’t exactly fix the problem of too few teams competing. If we stack the best players on one team we just get one stronger team. The hometown bonus thing is interesting though.


Also, 3 rebuilding out of 8. Not sure why you kept saying 7?

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5 minutes ago, Beketov said:

What you didn’t consider when bashing Smirnov and I for +/- is that we both play on 3/4 lines. So basically every goal against we’re on the ice for. By comparison, Cast, Preencarnacion, and Canmore all play on 2/4 lines.


Not gonna lie, kinda burns to be the only player that stands a chance of passing Cast in goals and to just be bashed for my +/- without really any other notes. Oh well, you are driving when you do these so I can’t expect you to have all the numbers in front of you. And like you said my page wouldn’t load for whatever reason.


Also, making the cap easier to allow superstar teams wouldn’t exactly fix the problem of too few teams competing. If we stack the best players on one team we just get one stronger team. The hometown bonus thing is interesting though.


Also, 3 rebuilding out of 8. Not sure why you kept saying 7?


Well, the +/- is the most notable statistical difference in the top 5 scorers, so that’s why I focused on it. Nothing personal. I just found it an interesting note.


I say 7 because Toronto doesn’t count. ?


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