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random quote #9


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Yes, this is another ramblings about pretty much nothing.


I'm for some reason thought today is Sunday. I have a free day since it's my b-day and right now the constant alco use in past 3-4 days will make it harder for me to get back on track, especially tomorrow. But I don't care much anyways, at least I had a reason to celebrate. In two weeks, we'll have an independence day (100th year). So this is gonna be another big event hehe.


Still waiting when @Bushito is gonna finish his house reno. After all, we're still waiting for trivia results. And I won't have to come up with another 150 word uninspired piece of nothing, like this.


Riga is still first. Still waiting when Kallis is gonna pull last VHLM playoffs, but all I will get from him is couple of trash games. Whether in regular season or in playoffs. That's a shame, but he's too raw for now. But we may still win this if pumping size to at least 80 would make him a bit more consistent.


I'm done.


2 TPE goes to Kallis

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