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The Youngster's View: Moving


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We're back for another edition of our now weekly update with young goaltender Joe Nixon, who was recently drafted by the Las Vegas Aces! I'm with him here today to ask him some quick questions about the moving process, how the new city has been treating him, and how the house hunting has been going in the desert as opposed to his previous Pittsburgh residence.


"It's a whole new challenge," Nixon said of his house search, "I was just a college kid living in some garbage apartment, I didn't really have much to move here but I found a place I liked and this beautiful city is treating me well so far!" Nixon told us it was easy to move, but the transition was rough, "It's a little hot here," Joe joked, "In Pittsburgh it snowed until my classes ended in April, I walk off the plane here and it feels like you just get hit with a space heater." Nixon said moving in was easy, but there's something lacking. "I definitely need some new furniture," Nixon laughed, saying "I didn't have any before I came so I have the essentials like a bed and some dressers but maybe I need a couch so I don't have to sit on the floor anymore!"


Lastly, I asked Joe how the city itself has been treating him, he said "I'm so excited to be here, and I've been welcomed with open arms. This city is absolutely beautiful and so much fun. The Aces front office has been so helpful and supportive of me becoming a part of the organization, and the team is so great. I just can't wait to actually hit the ice with them in a game." 


Thanks to Joe Nixon for checking in with us again! Catch you next week on the youngster's view as he begins training as the season begins!

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