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Raphael Nazarians | Wild


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Raphael Nazarians


Raphael Nazarians is a new rookie center that currently plays for the Saskatoon Wild.  Raphael was born in Yerevan, Armenia and first played hockey when he was only 5.  His father was a great hockey player for the Russian National Team but lived in Armenia since all his family lived in Armenia.  When Raphael Nazarians was 16 he tried out for the Russian National Team and made the team.  Nazarians was the secondary center behind a 7 year veteran named Vladimir Grosopov who was very effective and efficient.  After Grosopov retired, Raphael Nazarians took that starting spot and proved that he could be an amazing player with incredible potential.  


After Raphael Nazarians played great for the Russian National team he was signed by the Saskatoon Wild.  During the off season Raphael Nazarians trained exclusively with his coach.  Raphael Nazarians improved his skating ability and his speed, Nazarians also increased his offensive ability.  Moving from Armenia to Canada is hard and can influence his playing ability.  Although Raphael has family living in Chicago, Illinois.  Raphael Nazarians also played for his High School team in Chicago, he was the leading scorer and the Captain for their High School team.


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