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random quote #19


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Once again, I didn't sumbit trivia answers so I'll have to type another random garbage here. What a shame.


The regular season has ended and Riga managed to blow a 7 point lead and only finish second. The main reasons are goalies. Kallis is trash and couln't save his life against all three remaining games against Seattle and RIG G was a scrub against Calgary and Davos. So we're going to play against Helsinki in semis. I don't know what to think about this. We have a positive record against them, but the playoffs is even more random and the Titans are fine. Perhaps they have too much depth, but anything can happen. In other semis it's gonna be Seattle against Quebec/Toronto. Beaviss made a bad mistake by not putting a CPU in three more games and now he will have to play Toronto with a this computer guy. This could really fuck up their chances since the Legion still has high class players like Ironside, Arroyo and Stopko. Gonna be interesting, of course. Will the Meute pull the series with the CPU guy? Stay tuned. As about my team, I really hope Kallis will finally make up his mind because so far he's been a liability for his team. Even last season - he was heavily carried by other Riga players.


2 TPE goes to Kallis

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