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891 faceoffs taken, 64.65% of those won. That is the statistic of Rauno Paulo who is currently the leading faceoff taker in the league. Obviously only 24 games have been played, but when Beau Louth - another Vancouver player is third best in the faceoff circle, we can only wonder: what is going on in Vancouver? I asked from Palo himself about the reason behind Wolves players being so dominant in faceoffs, this is what he said:



Yea you know, me and Louth have been practicing faceoffs for some time now, personally I have always been a natural and when I joined Vancouver some seasons ago, I kinda took Beau under my wing when he moved to middle full time, he has played in center in the past, but never more than just period or two, now he is there full time and also winning faceoffs like crazy. I like to think I´m the reason behind his success if not directly, but at least by showing him how a real professional faceoff specialist does it. I have tried to improve as well, but it´s hard when you are this good at something, how can you be better at something when you are already the best? Step by step I guess, but having two great faceoff takers in the team is a big thing for sure, especially in the playoffs, when won or lost faceoff can be the difference on if you win the series or not.


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