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Off-season is different for everybody, some take it easy and maybe spend time with their families then there are others who work, one of those players who work is Rauno Palo. The Vancouver center is going to be Beau Louths personal assistant in the upcoming All-Star game! Rauno Palo released the following statement in his Facebook account yesterday:



I´m proud to announce that your boy is going to the All-Star game this year! Beau Louth hired me to make sure everything goes well, I´m basically his bodyguard. Beau himself used the word ´assistant´, but I heard what he was really saying,  gotta read between the lines on these things. Hiring a ´assistant´ is a good move from Louth, most think All-Star games are fun and just fooling around, but it´s not, the dirty plays just happen off the ice, that is where I step into the picture, I keep his water bottles cold and clean, make sure nobody takes his stuff while he is in the shower etc, I need to be ready all the time.


What do I get out of it someone might ask? Well, I can say that I took part in the All-Star event this year! That is something nobody can take away from me and who you think is getting to the ice if someone gets sick surprisingly, someone from the stands is going to play? Naah, it´s me naturally. Not hoping anything to happen obviously, but I´m taking all of my equipment with me just in case.




Edited by jRuutu
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