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Denver excited for his first pro season

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If you asked Denver Wolfe two seasons ago where he thought his career was going to go, he likely wouldn't have the same answer he has for you today. Two seasons ago he joined late into the S64 season with the Las Vegas Aces. At the time, the Aces were 5-0 and on an absolute tear, it only made sense for Wolfe to sign on with the dominant team and he had no regrets that season. Despite not achieving person statistics up to his standard per-say, he did win a championship with the team, going one-for-one in his career. 


While most people's luck would have stopped there, Wolfe was fortunate enough to go 2nd overall to the Minnesota Storm and he had his best season while with the Storm. Not only did the team go on to win the cup, allowing Wolfe to win back-to-back championships in the VHLM, he also took home two trophies which felt great after his lackluster performance the season prior. With the complete 180 in performance, he then began to focus with the VHL. 


Vancouver drafted him 9th overall, he is currently ranked #2 for his TPE production, and is going to look to dominate in his rookie season. While he continues to grow, there is only up from here, but with nothing looking to stand in his way, there is very little the other rookies will be able to do, to stop his tyrant. 

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3 minutes ago, InstantRockstar said:

there is very little the other rookies will be able to do, to stop his tyrant. 


Maybe HHH will?

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