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Rink-Side Chat with Helsinki Titans GM

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Rink-Side Chat with Helsinki Titans GM



We continue our series of VHL GM interviews with the commissioner of the VHL and general manager of the Helsinki Titans. He is well-known around the league, and built a team that made it to game 7 of the Victory Cup finals last season. I present to you the offical VSN interview of the man, the myth, the legend, Quik.


VSN: Would you like to explain why you picked the players you did? 

Quik: Everyone we drafted, we had very highly rated. Starting with our first pick, I could never have imagined Meyers slipping down to 15, we had him in the 5-8 range, so when he was there at our pick, the choice was very easy. After him, every pick we made has a ton of upside, as very active and eager players, and whether they're on the team this season, or will be joining us in the future, we are certain they will make an impact in this league.


V: Did any other GMs snake a pick from you? Which pick?

Q: It's hard to say anyone "snaked" a pick, especially in a draft this deep. Everyone has their lists, and other teams wouldn't be doing their jobs if they weren't taking players we were also high on. Ultimately, we are extremely happy with the outcome of this draft, especially going in without a 1st round pick, we feel we got a few talents who would be worthy of 1st round selections.


V: What kind of hazing and other rituals will your newly drafted rookies have to look forward to?

Q: The Helsinki Titans have a strict no-hazing policy, as those antics are an archaic way of mistreating younger players in the name of "bonding." That's not to say there aren't team-bonding exercises such as a Rookie Dinner, but any form of "hazing" where pranks are involved are strictly prohibited in Helsinki, and around the league.


V: Who is the least attractive player in the draft?

Q: HHH. Have you seen his mug? Woof.


V: Is HHH guaranteed to be a hall of famer? 

Q: He's definitely put in the work to give himself the best chances at going into the Hall. But, as a player who has played only a small handful of games, there is no guarantee. Even a season or two is too small a sample when you look at some of the greats to never get in. Until a player's career is over, or at least mostly finished, it really is impossible to tell if they're guaranteed to be a Hall of Famer.


V: How many players picked after the 2nd round are going to become roster players in the future?

Q: It's an interesting question. Usually, you're lucky if you get 5 players, league-wide, who become roster players selected after the 2nd round, and that's before expanding back to 10 teams. This season, however, I'm confident in each of our 5 selections made between rounds 3-6 becoming future VHLers. Of the 60 selections made after the 2nd round, league-wide, I wouldn't be surprised if more than 50% of those players made an impact, in some shape or form, by the time it's all said and done.


V: Is the VHL rigged?

Q: This is a question that comes up often, especially given the events of recent seasons. I can say, with 100% certainty, that it is not the case. Considering I've been on the wrong side of those results, there's certainly no reason to lie, as I'd love to have a reason to tell my players we lost back to back Finals, but that's the thing with this league: no matter how well you prepare, sometimes luck is much bigger factor.


V: Do you tell your players how you want them to develop or let them do their own thing?

Q: Usually, our staff works with young players, to best help them meet their goals in the VHL. If they have a plan, we'll offer a helping hand to guide them in that direction. If they aren't 100% sure, then we help them plan to best succeed in the role they will be in. Ultimately, the players are forging their own path, so we just offer a helping hand in plotting the course to reach their destination, rather than forcing them down a path they may not want to go.


V: Which player on your team has the most pressure on them coming into this season?

Q: It's an interesting question. I think if you ask each of our 12 roster players, you'll get 12 different answers. Each of our returning players places pressure on themselves to continue to improve, and get over the hump of making the Finals twice without a Ring to show for it. Our rookies all face the pressure of joining a contending squad and continuing to pull on that same rope, getting us back to a position where winning is a possibility. And Thompson, coming in as the marquee Free Agent, probably the biggest signing in years, faces the pressure of joining a new team in the quest for a Cup. When it's all said, and done, the pressure is shared, equally among each player in that locker room, as we strive towards our ultimate goal.


And with this, another GM interview has concluded. Who will be interviewed next? Subscribe to VSN updates on the VHL Discord, and stay tuned to find out!

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